Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC)

If you want to fly remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) commercially outside of the excluded category, fly at night, and hire remote pilot licence (RePL) holders you will need a Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC). A ReOC can be issued to sole traders and companies who hold an ACN or ABN. Government entities and NFPs can also apply. Your first ReOC is valid for 12 months with approved renewals valid for up to 3 years.

Unlike other training schools, we are real drone pilots with real-world experience. We will work with you to create your documentation and prepare you for your assessment with CASA to become  a Chief Remote Pilot. We can do this because we did it ourselves. We know how the industry works and we want to share it with you. You have 12 months to complete the course.
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Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC)

If you want to fly remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) commercially, or hire remote pilot licence (RePL) holders, you will need a remotely piloted aircraft operator's certificate (ReOC). ReOCs are issued to people and businesses who hold an ACN or ARBN, and Government entities. Your first ReOC is valid for 12 months with approved renewals valid for up to 3 years.

Unlike other training schools, we are real drone pilots with real-world experience. We will work with you to create your documentation and prepare you for your assessment with CASA to become a Chief Remote Pilot. We can do this because we did it ourselves. We know how the industry works and we want to share it with you. 
Flexible Online Application
Prepare anywhere, anytime
Remote ReOC Preparation
Safe from Covid-19
Remote Assessment
Non-contact Covid-safe

What is a Remote Operator Certificate? (ReOC)

If you want to fly remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) commercially outside of the excluded category, or hire remote pilot licence (RePL) holders, you will need a remotely piloted aircraft operator's certificate (ReOC). ReOCs are issued to people and businesses who hold an ACN or ARBN, and Government entities. You may not need a ReOC if you're eligible to operate under the 'Flying over your own land' or 'Sub 2 kg' excluded category. You do not need a ReOC if you are only flying for fun. If you're flying a drone but don't have a RePL, you will soon need to be accredited. Your first ReOC is valid for 12 months with approved renewals valid for up to 3 years.

Your ReOC will include the following endorsements to fly:


  • closer than 30 m to people (as close as 15m)
  • night operations


You can apply for additional permissions under your certificate to fly:


  • beyond visual line-of-sight
  • extended visual line-of-sight
  • in restricted airspace or closer than 3 nm to a controlled aerodrome
  • higher than 400 ft above ground level.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will the ReOC cost?

    Droneit's current processing fee for a standard application is $2,200.  If you purchase as part of the Professional package the fee is less at $2,000.

    Half of this fee goes toward preparation of your Operations Manual and Operational Library Documents. The other half of the fee goes to the CASA delegate.

  • How long does the ReOC take to be processed?

    CASA delegates aim to have ReOCs issued within 14 days of receipt of the complete application package prepared by Droneit, which takes 7 days. A $500 fee applies for an express submission, where the application package is prepared in 24hrs of receiving a completed submission. When Droneit submits your application to the CASA delegate you should ensure that you are able to allocate time within the next few days to complete the job scenario and telephone interview components of the assessment.

  • What is included in the ReOC fee?

    The Droneit ReOC application processing fee includes:

    • provision of the CASA template Operations Manual and Operational Library including procedures for operations within 3NM of non-controlled aerodromes, operations down to 15 metres of people and night operations;
    • a review of the application package;
    • the Chief Controller’s interview assessment;
    • the issue and review of a knowledge deficiency report if required;
    • issue of the ReOC; and
    • forwarding of the completed application pack to CASA.
  • What is a ReOC?

    A remotely piloted aircraft operator's certificate (ReOC) allows you to earn money for flying, employ remote pilot licence (RePL) holders and fly outside the drone safety rules - also known as the standard operating conditions.

    A ReOC allows you to:

    • Flying closer than 30 metres.
    • Get approval to fly within restricted airspace, near aerodromes and extended and beyond visual line-of-sight variations.
    • Fly at night
    • Submit a Notice to Airmen alert (NOTAM).
  • What is involved in the ReOC assessment?

    ReOC assessments are composed of 3 or 4 segments:

    • Document Review
    • Job Scenario
    • Interview
    • Knowledge Deficiency Report (Sometimes)

    The 'Document Review' component is completed by your assigned assessor and is just a check that your manuals contain all of the CASA mandated content. If you have obtained your manuals from Droneit  then this part of the assessment has already been completed.

    The 'Job Scenario' involves you completing the pre-job planning for a scenario which you will be provided. Scenarios are customised to provide a realistic example of the type of job in an area which you are planning to operate. We feel that provides additional value to you by allowing you to explore the issues that you are likely to encounter when you start operating with your assessor.

    The 'Interview' includes a range of set questions relating to the provisions of CASR 101, your responsibilities as Chief Remote Pilot and a review of your response to the scenario.

    The 'Knowledge Deficiency Report' (KDR) may or may not be required depending on how you go with the interview. Where you are unable to provide a correct answer to an interview question or the assessor feels that you need to demonstrate a better understanding of a subject you will be provided with a KDR  at the conclusion of the interview.  You will be required to submit correct answers to each item within the KDR prior to being assessed as competent.

    Important note: CASA places limits on the number of elements that can be included on a KDR. In some cases a complete reassessment including submission of an additional job scenario may be required.

  • What forms are included in the package?

    Your ReOC package will include an Operations Manual and an Operational Procedures Library. Both of these manuals will be based on the CASA templates and customised to include your organisation's details.

    Droneit will complete the required two separate forms Form 101-06 and Form 101-08. These are different forms to what are used if your application is being processed by CASA.

    Form 101-06 is the Instrument of Delegation Application for RPA Operators Certificate and Form 101-08 is the Instrument of Delegation – Application for RPA Operator’s Certificate (ReOC)

    You will be granted access to Droneit's student portal where we've simplified these forms by transferring them into a digital form. These forms are processed by our team and after consultation with you we submit them as part of your application package.

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    Documentation Requirements

    What documents are required to verify a Remote Pilot Licence?

    A copy of the Chief Remote Pilot's RePL must be provided with the application.

    What documents are required for proof of identity of an individual?

    Droneit requires a copy of one piece of photo ID for each of the nominated key personnel to be included with the application. Acceptable forms of photo ID include:

    • Australian driver’s licence
    • Passport
    • Student card from an Australian educational institution
    • Any other government-issued photo ID

    The nominated key positions that we need to verify are:

    • Chief Executive Officer / Managing Director
    • Chief Remote Pilot
    • Maintenance Controller

    If one person holds multiple positions within the organisation then only one copy is required.

    What documents are required for verification of an Aviation Reference Number?

    Each entity that is included on the application forms must provide some documentation that shows that they have an Aviation Reference Number (ARN). In short, we need verification of the ARNs for:

    • Nominated Chief Remote Pilot
    • Nominated Maintenance Controller
    • Chief Executive Officer / Managing Director
    • Company or Association if the applicant is either of those

    Accepted forms of documentation for ARNs are any CASA issued licence, permission, authority or notice which shows the person or corporation’s name and ARN.

    If you do not have an ARN already you need to apply directly to CASA using Form 1162 for an individual or Form 1170 for an organisation.

    What documents are required for proof of identity of a sole trader?

    For sole traders who will be trading using their own name no additional proof of identity documentation is required.

    For sole traders that are using a business name, we require a copy of the Record of Registration for Business Name which you would have received from ASIC when you registered the name.

    What documents are required for proof of identity of a company or association?

    Company applicants need to supply a company extract which can be purchased directly from the ASIC website for $9.00.  Other information providers can also provide company extracts.

    Association applicants need to supply a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation for the association.

    Companies and associations that are using a business name are also required to submit a copy of the Record of Registration for Business Name which you would have received from ASIC when the name was registered. The business name registration must show the company or association as the owner of the business name.

The best pricing plans in Australia

Student Upgrade


Chief Remote Pilot Masterclass

βœ”οΈDedicated Application Manager

βœ”οΈApproval to operate RPA at night

βœ”οΈPractice assessment scenarios

βœ”οΈOnline application

βœ”οΈCASA Delegate Fees Included

βœ”οΈDigital signatures

βœ”οΈOptional live video tutoring 

βœ”οΈNo hidden fees


ReOC Standard


Chief Remote Pilot Masterclass

βœ”οΈDedicated Application Manager

βœ”οΈApproval to operate at night

βœ”οΈPractice assessment scenarios

βœ”οΈOnline application

βœ”οΈCASA Delegate Fees Included

βœ”οΈDigital signatures

βœ”οΈOptional live video tutoring 

βœ”οΈNo hidden fees


* To qualify for the lower fee you must be a Droneit RePL graduateο»Ώ

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