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Efficiently manage RPAS operations onsite and in the office with RPA Manager. Job planning, safety and risk assessments and approvals can be completed thoroughly and effectively in seconds. With Advanced reporting and intuitive job management, staff will be more informed and day to day efficiency improved.
With integrated Pilot & RPAS Logbooks, Defect Management and Safety Management auditing systems, AVCRM will take your compliance to the next level of industry best practice while reducing RPA risk for safer RPAS operations.
Customisable job creation and approval with integrated airspace maps
Integrated airspace maps automatically identify fly/no-fly zones
Keep track of controller and RPA total time in service logs
Manage all RPAS Maintenance and Defect items
Customisable job creation and approval with integrated airspace maps
Integrated airspace maps automatically identify fly/no-fly zones
Keep track of controller and RPA total time in service logs
Manage all RPAS Maintenance and Defect items
Track battery usage, cycles and health. Be notified when batteries need maintenance
Plan work and organise your resources in seconds. Never double book an aircraft or remote pilot again
Instantly create customisable reports on all aspects of your RPA operation
Manage hazard identification, accident reports and Drug and Alcohol Management Plans
Track battery usage, cycles and health. Be notified when batteries need maintenance
Plan work and organise your resources in seconds. Never double book an aircraft or remote pilot again
Instantly create customisable reports on all aspects of your RPA operation
Manage hazard identification, accident reports and Drug and Alcohol Management Plans
Manage all aspect of job operations with a touch of a button. This module has been designed specifically for the Chief Controller and Remote Pilot to manage the large task of job creation and approval operations. With completely customisable JSA Inspection items, you can create type specific reports for each aircraft, and for the type of operation you are running.
Integrated airspace maps automatically identify fly/no-fly zones, assist you in identifiying correct radio frequencies and determining suitable buffers between you and your job area.
When the job is flown you can be confident that it complies with all the relevant CASA regulations.
With controller and aircraft logs linked to every job you can be confident that controller and aircraft logs are always accurate and up-to-date.
The RPA TTIS logbooks show the pre and postflight checklist completion from the Job Manager as well as the Time for each job and what Job was associated with the entry.
In-depth defect management enables you to follow a reported defect through the stages of repairs and commissioning. With the RPA Manager’s specialised ‘User Roles’, it allows for issues relating to defects to be tasked to a Maintenance Controller for repairs.
The intuative booking calendar allows you to plan work and organise your resources in a matter of seconds. Never double book an aircraft or pilot again. Schedule repetative inspections in advance and allow staff to maintain an overview of upcoming tasks.
Processed from Job Creation Manager, NOTAMs and maintenance to meetings and events, everything happening in the operation can be scheduled through the work calendar. All upcoming events are displayed on the dashboard screen, and staff specific notifications sent accordingly, ensuring important events, jobs and meetings are not forgotten or overlooked. Organising work schedules in one central location gives greater operational control and awareness.
Use AVCRMs customisable templates to carry out CASA required inspections on any mobile device in online or offline mode for remote area operations. The ability to record photographic evidence of an unserviceability or maintenance item and attach comments improves communication between Remote Pilots and managers. Action these reports and instantly create a booking in the scheduler to complete the task.
Monitor and manage the status of your batteries. Track usage, cycles and overall health. With advanced reporting and serviceability tracking you will be sure that your batteries are up to the task and receive the maintenance they require. Built in and customisable alerting allows you to determine when a battery requires discharging or retiring.
Monitor stock levels of expendable equipment and minimise wastage by using the AVCRM inventory manager. Track part numbers, chemical/fuel usage amounts, expiry dates of items and much more. The inventory manager will let you know when an item is running low and automatically generate a purchase order so that you can reorder in a timely manner. With battery cycle tracking linked to each job you can instantly see the health and status of batteries.
The SMS module offers all operators the ability to manage all of their safety needs in the single location. This module has been designed to link with the Job Creation/JSA form so that when an issue occurs during operations, which maybe hazardous, or an issue which caused an incident/accident, they are effectively managed through the SMS.
Once an incident or hazard form has been filled, it will automatically email the nominated parties with the report, drastically improving post incident communications. AVCRM’s SMS module will also integrate the hazard form into your next SMS meeting agenda, ensuring your operation addresses the safety issues and then manages it accordingly. In addition to SMS reporting, the SMS module also offers the ability to easily maintain a risk register for your operations.
Ability to provide a document library for important documents - CASA regulations, flight statistics, flight and safety information, ERPs, Safety Management Systems (SMSs) etc. Individual documents and document categories can be configured to require electronic sign-off and acceptance by appropriate user groups. Track and version control individual amendments to maintain regulatory compliance.
The ability to keep up to date staff profiles and communicate updates, notifications, news and training internally. Automated alerts will notify management and staff of upcoming expiry of qualifications ensuring no one is ever out of date. View individual staff work progress and delegate duties as required through the scheduler.
Access Air Services Australia data for weather briefing and NOTAM information. Inline weather, NOTAM and restricted area briefings tailored to the RPAS job area increase efficiency in planning and aid situational awareness.
Perform On-the-go NOTAM submission to CASA and Airservices simplifying the process to gain approvals.
The AVCRM team are an extremely passionate team of aviation professionals, here to deliver the very best in aviation management software to all levels of the industry.
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Droneit supports the health, well-being and employment of our local defence community
CASA has authorised Droneit Group to conduct
commercial drone training and certify remote pilots.
CASA ReOC 0024, CASA ARN 834101
π 29/97 Creek Street, Brisbane QLD
1800 376 634
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